Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc. is pleased to announce new services offered under its “Peace of Mind” Program.
Council on Aging’s “Peace of Mind” program was developed to assist seniors with maintaining their independence. If you ask any senior or disabled adult today, “What is most important to them?” The answer most likely would be: “To have peace of mind by remaining at home, maintaining independence, and improving quality of life.”
These services are specifically geared towards “quality of life.” They provide assistance of daily living to enable our seniors and disabled adults to remain independent at home, and, most importantly, allow them to live and age with dignity.
“Peace of Mind” services are flexible to allow us to meet the needs of individual families. Services are available on short or long term basis.
If you would like information on this and any of these services, please call (772) 336-8608 or send an email to Thank you.
Who is Eligible?
All residents of St. Lucie County, Florida, age 60 and older, are eligible to use the services provided by the Council on Aging. A wide range of programs and activities is designed to appeal to seniors -- both the frail and the healthy -- who seek companionship, assistance, stimulation, and enrichment.
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Did you know?
Did you know that more than 20,000 senior residents of St. Lucie County receive assistance from the Council On Aging every year? We help seniors continue to live independently and delay placement into supervised living facilities.